
Nanoscale Analysis

Enlarged view: TERS image

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) is a technique for optical spectroscopy and chemical imaging of surfaces on the nanoscale. It combines the spatial resolution of scanning probe microscopy with... Read more

Ambient Mass Spectrometry

Enlarged view: test ambient

Ambient mass spectrometry methods addresses the rapid analysis of chemicals with minimal sample preparation. There are essentially two main approaches to form ... Read more

Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Enlarged view: test noncovalent interactions

In recent years matrix assisted-laser disorption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) techniques have become increasingly more useful to study biomolecules.... Read more

Gas-phase Structures of Biomolecular Ions

Enlarged view: commercial available MALDI stainless steel sample target

Native electrospray ionization produces intact biomolecules and their complexes in the gas phase, but it is often unclear whether these maintain their solution-​phase native conformation. We are investigating this fundamental question...Read more

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